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Beekeeping Resources


Illinois Apiary Registration Form

All beekeepers in Illinois must register the number and location of their hives.

Scientific Beekeeping site by Randy Oliver

A good resource for new beekeepers. Randy writes often for American Bee Journal.

At The Hive Entrance - H. Storch

Describes ways to determine what is happening inside a hive
by observing the hive entrance.

Kirk Webster Blog - New/Old Beekeeping Discoveries

Kirk works with Russian bees and has not treated his hives for many years

Bee Informed Partnership

Has good science based information and works with beekeepers to study honeybee health

Magazines - Both have digital editions in addition to paper

American Bee Journal

Bee Culture

Midwest Beekeeping Suppliers

Illinois Queen Initiative- Beekeepers raising Illinois bred honeybee queens

Dadant and Sons, Hamilton IL - Oldest beekeeping supply in the US.

Closest branch location – Dadant/ Watertown WI
Fun trip to take and it is in a old barn. Also a source for package bees

The Hive Supply - Chicago IL - Sells package bees, nucs, queens, beekeeping equipment and supplies.

Meyer Bees, Minooka IL - Sells beekeeping equipment, tools and supplies, package bees, and locally produced queens (IQI Member)

Long Lane Honey Bee Farms, Fairmount IL - Breeder of Illinois Queens, also a source for Package bees.

City Bee Savers - Wheaton, IL - Sells package bees, nucs, queens and is a member of the Illinois Queen Initiative.